Man does not live on bread alone

 You are what God says you are. You have what God gave you. You will be what God says you will be, no devil can rob you. Look for every word that God said about you and shape your life by following his steps.

Don't be deceived and say that you are a nobody in life. God always had a plan for you. He had counted the cost of your life, it's only that we have little faith and that makes us suffer. It was not in God's plan that we suffer. Depend on him to have a good life and make sure you don't forget him by not keeping his commandments, rules, and regulations.

A man cannot live on bread alone but from every word coming out of God's mouth. 

The Bible says he puts you through hard times, he made you go hungry, then he fed you with manna from heaven. You cannot live on bread alone but by every word that comes from God's mouth.


  1. Don't say that you are a nobody in life cause God always had a plan for you


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